Plateforme Mobile pour l'Observation et l'Expérimentation dans les Ecosystèmes Terrestres



The mobile platform for observation and experimentation in terrestrial ecosystems M-POETE is part of the consortium ANAEE –FRANCE. This platform host basic and state-of-the-art equipment and share this equipment with scientist all over France. This approach is thought to mutualise equipment, allows a broad access to it and improves significantly the capacity of field-based research. Now, samples are analysed directly in the field or they are preserved without any alteration until analysis in the laboratory. Indeed, the mobile aspect is essential to take into account hot spots and hot moments at dedicated sites or along gradients. In addition, due to the complementary setup of the platform, any equipment could be used as stand-alone or grouped according to the dedicated missions. Equipment is roughly distributed into kits and toolboxes with respect to (i) basic characterisation of climate, vegetation and soils, (ii) characterisation of soil microbial parameters (iii), characterisation of forests structure and finally (iv) innovative high throughput measurement devices.


- make basic and advanced equipment available for the observation and experimentation in terrestrial ecosystems-    manage the access to the platform and its functioning
- maintain and improve the quality and the capacity of the equipment through close contact with the users (satisfaction – improvement loop) and developers

Description of the platform:

M-POETE contains equipment for field-based research. Trucks and trailers allow transporting this equipment, setting up of a base camp and thus the deployment and functioning of the loaded equipment. A complete list of the available equipment, their fees and the schedules will be soon available at our dedicated webpage (www.Anaee-France/ Enquiries from scientists for equipment are submitted to the management comity, which makes the decision to support or not each enquiry. The fees are used to replace equipment by similar one but also to improve the offer by buying new state-of-the-art equipment.


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