- 2018
Court, M., van der Heijden, G., Didier, S., Nys, C., Richter, C., Pousse, N., Saint-Andre, L. and Legout, A. (2018) Long-term effects of forest liming on mineral soil, organic layer and foliage chemistry: Insights from multiple beech experimental sites in Northern France Forest Ecology and Management 409 872-889
Court, M, van der Heijden, G, Didier, S, Nys, C, Richter, C, Pousse, N, Saint-André, L and Legout, A (2018) Long-term effects of forest liming on mineral soil, organic layer and foliage chemistry: Insights from multiple beech experimental sites in Northern France Forest Ecology and Management 409 872-889
Orlowski, N., Breuer, L., Angeli, N., Boeckx, P., Brumbt, C., Cook, C. S., Dubbert, M., Dyckmans, J., Gallagher, B., Gralher, B., Herbstritt, B., Herve-Fernandez, P., Hissler, C., Koeniger, P., Legout, A., Macdonald, C. J., Oyarzun, C., Redelstein, R., Seidler, C., Siegwolf, R., Stumpp, C., Thomsen, S., Weiler, M., Werner, C. and McDonnell, J. J. (2018) Inter-laboratory comparison of cryogenic water extraction systems for stable isotope analysis of soil water Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 (7) 3619-3637
van der Heijden, G, Bel, J, Craig, C-A, Midwood, AJ, Mareschal, L, Ranger, J, Dambrine, E and Legout, A. (2018) Measuring Plant-Available Mg, Ca, and K Pools in the Soil—An Isotopic Dilution Assay ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 2 (4) 292-313
van der Heijden, G, Hinz, A, Didier, S, Nys, C, Dambrine, E and Legout, A (2018) Quantifying the Uncertainty in Modeled Water Drainage and Nutrient Leaching Fluxes in Forest Ecosystems Ecosystems
- 2017
Moragues-Quiroga, C., Juilleret, J., Gourdol, L., Pelt, E., Perrone, T., Aubert, A., Morvan, G., Chabaux, F., Legout, A., Stille, P. and Hissler, C. (2017) Genesis and evolution of regoliths: Evidence from trace and major elements and Sr-Nd-Pb-U isotopes Catena 149 185-198
Pons, M. N., Assaad, A., Oucacha, C., Pontvianne, S., Pollier, B., Wagner, P., Legout, A. and Guerold, F. (2017) Nitrates monitoring by UV-vis spectral analysis Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 17 (1) 46-52
van der Heijden, G., Belyazid, S., Dambrine, E., Ranger, Jacques and Legout, A. (2017) NutsFor a process-oriented model to simulate nutrient and isotope tracer cycling in forest ecosystems Environmental Modelling & Software 95 365-380
van der Heijden, G, Legout, A, Mareschal, L, Ranger, J and Dambrine, E (2017) Filling the gap in Ca input-output budgets in base-poor forest ecosystems: The contribution of non-crystalline phases evidenced by stable isotopic dilution Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 209 135-148
- 2016
Barbi, F., Prudent, E., Vallon, L., Buee, M., Dubost, A., Legout, A., Marmeisse, R., Fraissinet-Tachet, L. and Luis, P. (2016) Tree species select diverse soil fungal communities expressing different sets of lignocellulolytic enzyme-encoding genes Soil Biology & Biochemistry 100 149-159
Bedel, L, Poszwa, A, van der Heijden, G, Legout, A, Aquilina, L and Ranger, J (2016) Unexpected calcium sources in deep soil layers in low-fertility forest soils identified by strontium isotopes (Lorraine plateau, eastern France) Geoderma 264, Part A 103-116
Bolou-Bi, B. E., Dambrine, E., Angeli, N., Pollier, B., Nys, C., Guerold, F. and Legout, A. (2016) Magnesium Isotope Variations to Trace Liming Input to Terrestrial Ecosystems: A Case Study in the Vosges Mountains Journal of Environmental Quality 45 (1) 276-284
Legout, A., van der Heijden, G., Jaffrain, J., Boudot, J. P. and Ranger, J. (2016) Tree species effects on solution chemistry and major element fluxes: A case study in the Morvan (Breuil, France) Forest Ecology and Management 378 244-258
Legout, A, van der Heijden, G, Jaffrain, J, Boudot, J-P and Ranger, J (2016) Tree species effects on solution chemistry and major element fluxes: A case study in the Morvan (Breuil, France) Forest Ecology and Management 378 244-258
- 2015
van der Heijden, G, Dambrine, E, Pollier, B, Zeller, B, Ranger, J and Legout, A (2015) Mg and Ca uptake by roots in relation to depth and allocation to aboveground tissues: results from an isotopic labeling study in a beech forest on base-poor soil Biogeochemistry 122 (2-3) 375-393
Viennet, J. C., Hubert, F., Ferrage, E., Tertre, E., Legout, A. and Turpault, M. P. (2015) Investigation of clay mineralogy in a temperate acidic soil of a forest using X-ray diffraction profile modeling: Beyond the HIS and HIV description Geoderma 241 75-86
- 2014
Legout, A., Hansson, K., Van der Heijden, G, Laclau, J. P., Augusto, L and Ranger, J (2014) Chemical fertility of forest soils: basic concepts Revue Forestière Française LXVI (Hors série) 21-31
Legout, A., Hansson, K., van der Heijden, G, Laclau, J. P., Augusto, L and Ranger, J (2014) Fertilité chimique des sols forestiers : concepts de base Revue Forestière Française 66 (4) 413-424
Legout, A., Richter, C., Pousse, N, Van der Heijden, G, Morel, J-L, Charnet, F, Simonnot, M-O and Ranger, J (2014) Compensating for the export of nutrients and restoration of degraded soils, Workshop 3 Revue Forestière Française Hors-Série 2014 - REGEFOR 2013
Saint Andre, L., Sainte-Marie, J, Leguedois, S, Ferry, B., Lafolie, F, Marsden, C., Van der Heijden, G, Dufrene, E., Bontemps, J. D. and Legout, A. (2014) Advances in modeling interactions between soils and trees Revue Forestière Française Hors-Série 2014 - REGEFOR 2013
van der Heijden, G, Legout, A, Pollier, B, Ranger, J and Dambrine, E (2014) The dynamics of calcium and magnesium inputs by throughfall in a forest ecosystem on base poor soil are very slow and conservative: evidence from an isotopic tracing experiment (26Mg and 44Ca) Biogeochemistry 118 (1-3) 413-442
van der Heijden, G., Legout, A., Pollier, B., Ranger, J. and Dambrine, E. (2014) The dynamics of calcium and magnesium inputs by throughfall in a forest ecosystem on base poor soil are very slow and conservative: evidence from an isotopic tracing experiment (Mg-26 and Ca-44) Biogeochemistry 118 (1-3) 413-442
Wernsdorfer, H., Jonard, M., Genet, A., Legout, A., Nys, C., Saint-Andre, L. and Ponette, Q. (2014) Modelling of nutrient concentrations in roundwood based on diameter and tissue proportion: Evidence for an additional site-age effect in the case of Fagus sylvatica Forest Ecology and Management 330 192-204
- 2013
Lequy, E., Legout, A., Conil, S. and Turpault, M. P. (2013) Aeolian dust deposition rates in Northern French forests and inputs to their biogeochemical cycles Atmospheric Environment 80 281-289
Paillet, Y., Chevalier, H., Lassauce, A., Vallet, P., Legout, A. and Gosselin, M. (2013) Integrating fertilisation and liming costs into profitability estimates for fuel wood harvesting: A case study in beech forests of eastern France Biomass & Bioenergy 55 190-197
van der Heijden, G, Legout, A, Midwood, AJ, Craig, C-A, Pollier, B, Ranger, J and Dambrine, E (2013) Mg and Ca root uptake and vertical transfer in soils assessed by an in situ ecosystem-scale multi-isotopic (26Mg & 44Ca) tracing experiment in a beech stand (Breuil-Chenue, France) Plant and Soil 369 (1-2) 33-45
van der Heijden, G., Legout, A., Midwood, A. J., Craig, C. A., Pollier, B., Ranger, J. and Dambrine, E. (2013) Mg and Ca root uptake and vertical transfer in soils assessed by an in situ ecosystem-scale multi-isotopic (Mg-26 & Ca-44) tracing experiment in a beech stand (Breuil-Chenue, France) Plant and Soil 369 (1-2) 33-45
van der Heijden, G., Legout, A., Pollier, B., Brechet, C., Ranger, J. and Dambrine, E. (2013) Tracing and modeling preferential flow in a forest soil - Potential impact on nutrient leaching Geoderma 195 12-22
van der Heijden, G, Legout, A., Pollier, B, Bréchet, C, Ranger, J. and Dambrine, E. (2013) Tracing and modeling preferential flow in a forest soil — Potential impact on nutrient leaching Geoderma 195-196 (0) 12-22
van der Heijden, G., Legout, A., Pollier, B., Mareschal, L., Turpault, M. P., Ranger, J. and Dambrine, E. (2013) Assessing Mg and Ca depletion from broadleaf forest soils and potential causes - A case study in the Morvan Mountains Forest Ecology and Management 293 65-78
- 2012
Jonard, M., Legout, A., Nicolas, M., Dambrine, E., Nys, C., Ulrich, E., van der Perre, R. and Ponette, Q. (2012) Deterioration of Norway spruce vitality despite a sharp decline in acid deposition: a long-term integrated perspective Global Change Biology 18 (2) 711-725
Louis, J., Genet, H., Meyer, S., Soudani, K., Montpied, P., Legout, A., Dreyer, E., Cerovic, Z. G. and Dufrene, E. (2012) Tree age-related effects on sun acclimated leaves in a chronosequence of beech (Fagus sylvatica) stands Functional Plant Biology 39 (4) 323-331
Van der Perre, R., Jonard, M., Andre, F., Nys, C., Legout, A. and Ponette, Q. (2012) Liming effect on radial growth depends on time since application and on climate in Norway spruce stands Forest Ecology and Management 281 59-67
- 2011
Genet, A., Wernsdorfer, H., Jonard, M., Pretzsch, H., Rauch, M., Ponette, Q., Nys, C., Legout, A., Ranger, J., Vallet, P. and Saint-Andre, L. (2011) Ontogeny partly explains the apparent heterogeneity of published biomass equations for Fagus sylvatica in central Europe Forest Ecology and Management 261 (7) 1188-1202
van der Heijden, G, Legout, A, Nicolas, M, Ulrich, E, Johnson, DW and Dambrine, E (2011) Long-term sustainability of forest ecosystems on sandstone in the Vosges Mountains (France) facing atmospheric deposition and silvicultural change Forest Ecology And Management 261 (3) 730-740
- 2009
Legout, A., Legout, C., Nys, C. and Dambrine, E. (2009) Preferential flow and slow convective chloride transport through the soil of a forested landscape (Fougeres, France) Geoderma 151 (3-4) 179-190
Legout, A., Nys, C., Picard, J. F., Turpault, M. P. and Dambrine, E. (2009) Effects of storm Lothar (1999) on the chemical composition of soil solutions and on herbaceous cover, humus and soils (Fougeres, France) Forest Ecology and Management 257 (3) 800-811
- 2008
Eglin, T., Walter, C., Nys, C., Follain, S., Forgeard, F., Legout, A. and Squividant, H. (2008) Influence of waterlogging on carbon stock variability at hillslope scale in a beech forest (Fougeres forest, West France) Annals of Forest Science 65 (2)
Legout, A., Walter, C. and Nys, C. (2008) Spatial variability of nutrient stocks in the humus and soils of a forest massif (Fougeres, France) Annals of Forest Science 65 (1)
- 2007
Follain, S., Walter, C., Legout, A., Lemercier, B. and Dutin, G. (2007) Induced effects of hedgerow networks on soil organic carbon storage within an agricultural landscape Geoderma 142 (1-2) 80-95